Innovation projects in which COMSA Corporación participates
Project for the development of an optimised extended durability ballast with controlled characteristics and improved performance compared to the currently used natural ballast.
Development of SW services to optimise energy management strategies in buildings and electricity grids. Demand management and integration of the wholesale electricity market.
Digitalisation of occupational risk prevention processes in the construction sector.
Building Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV) market support project.
Development of railway ballast and sub-ballast products from black slag from electric arc furnace steelworks.
Development of an accident prevention system for workers on railway construction sites.
Building Legacy
Industrial research project for the conceptualisation, development and prototyping of a technological system to make the reuse of construction materials and products viable through the use of disruptive Industry 4.0 technologies.
Increasing the capacity of rail networks by improving infrastructure and optimising operations.
Development of personal protective equipment (PPE) based mainly on the detection of the electric field generated by high-voltage cables, overhead lines or transformers.
Development of lightened deep foundations that allow high resistance performance but with a significant saving of material, mainly concrete, through a significant reduction in the resistant section of the piles.